RAPIDO Camping-cars, 414 rue des Perrouins, CS 20019, 53101 MAYENNE Cedex
Tel.. : (33) 02 43 30 13 20 // Fax : (33) 02 43 30 10 71
Small and large businesses, communities, do not have the same approach to communication. If large companies fully integrate a communication strategy in their development plan, the smaller ones usually only see it through the paper supports, websites and shots that they make realize.
That's why we offer services and offers tailored to each type of structure, according to its level of development and requirements, by providing advice to business executives and support to communication and marketing managers to achieve easily their goals.
Zone artisanale de l'huilerie, 419 rue François Arago, 53100 Mayenne - FRANCE
CAPITAL SOCIAL : 110 000 €
RCS LAVAL : B 341621795
TVA Intracommunautaire : FR 63341621795
Code NAF : Agences (744B)
Z.A. du Gifard, 35410 DOMLOUP
TEL. 06 08 84 70 21
2 rue Kellermann, 59100 ROUBAIX, France
RAPIDO has created this website to provide information for the personal use of its users. No commercial use of the data on this website, even partial use, can occur without the prior written agreement of RAPIDO. The screens provided form a general presentation of RAPIDO's range of products and services.
Information provided on the website (text, graphics, photos, etc.) is given purely for general information purposes and for reference only. Despite the care the company takes in the website's creation and accuracy, the website cannot constitute a binding document or be the basis for a lawsuit.
For accurate, up-to-date information on prices, availability, specifications, content and versions of the various products and services shown on this website, we recommend you contact a dealer of your choice.
• RAPIDO has entrusted the retailing of its products and services to a network of dealers, who are independent retailers. Those dealers are the only ones authorised to supply accurate, up-to-date information on the specifications and prices of the products and services they sell.
That is why we recommend you directly contact a dealer of your choice to request accurate, up-to-date information on the various products and services shown on this website: prices, availability, specifications, content and versions (standard, optional and accessory fittings on vehicles, special terms of model-specific services, engines, standard of fittings, etc.).
• RAPIDO has a policy of ongoing product and service development for its network and reserves the right to modify any related information without prior notice, namely in relation to the specifications and prices of products presented, without this resulting in any liability.
• The various products shown on the website are likely to include different versions (standard, optional and accessory fittings on vehicles, special terms of model-specific services, engines, standard of fittings, etc.). As RAPIDO cannot show its entire range on the website, we again recommend you contact a dealer of your choice to request additional, personalised information.
• The information shown on this website matched the definition when it was published online or when the website pages were last updated. Changes may have occurred since the latest update. That is why we again recommend that you contact a dealer of your choice to find out about the latest changes.
• Furthermore, not all products and services shown on this website may necessarily be available from every dealer in the network. You can only find out the availability of the products and services displayed by directly contacting a dealer of your choice.
• In addition, selecting a used or new vehicle through this website in no way forms a reservation for a future order. Reservations may only be made with a dealer of your choice.
RAPIDO's prior written approval is required to insert a link on this website.
In any case, no website with a link to/from this website is controlled by RAPIDO.
Therefore RAPIDO cannot be held liable for any websites with a link to/from this website and accepts no liability for their content or use.
Information provided on the website (text, graphics, photos, etc.) is given purely for general information purposes and for reference only. Despite the care the company takes in the website's creation and accuracy, namely when updating the online information, the website cannot constitute a binding document or be the basis for a lawsuit.
RAPIDO cannot guarantee the reliability or exhaustive nature of the information provided to the website's users. Consequently, RAPIDO cannot be held liable for any inaccuracies and/or omissions of one or more details published on this website.
To receive up-to-date, accurate information and check if the information given on this website is accurate and up-to-date, we recommend you contact a dealer of your choice.
Furthermore, RAPIDO cannot be held liable for any damages resulting from a user accessing and/or using the website, or being unable to access it.
This website is governed by French law.
In the event of a dispute, the French courts hold sole jurisdiction.
This legal information may be modified and/or adapted at any time. RAPIDO will inform you as soon as possible of any modifications and recommends that you regularly check this legal information.
For further information, please contact a dealer of your choice or RAPIDO:
RAPIDO Camping-cars
414 rue des Perrouins - CS 20019 - 53101 MAYENNE Cedex
Tel.. : (33) 02 43 30 10 70 - Fax : (33) 02 43 30 10 71
The presentation and content of this website, together, constitute a work protected by current intellectual property laws, with that intellectual property owned by RAPIDO.
The names and designations, logos, vehicle names in the range and slogans are, unless otherwise stated, trademarks held by RAPIDO.
The vehicle models shown on the website, drawings, photos, images, texts, animations with or without sound, and other documentation are the subject of intellectual and/or industrial property rights and are owned by RAPIDO or a third party who has authorised RAPIDO to use them.
No full or partial commercial use, copying, depiction, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation or marketing of those elements may occur without the prior written approval of RAPIDO, except for private use and subject to the different or more restrictive provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Any breach of these industrial and/or intellectual property rights is deemed to be a fraudulent offence and is punishable by two (2) years of imprisonment and a fine of ?150,000.
In accordance with the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, this website has been declared to CNIL (French data protection authority). During your visit to this website, you may be asked to enter personal details (your name, telephone number and address). That information is used to help us better understand you, meet your needs and provide a quality service. It may be stored, processed in an automated way and used to contact you and inform you of our products and services as part of our commercial and marketing campaigns. RAPIDO may send the collected information to dealers and, when applicable, to third party bodies. If you wish to object to this, please contact RAPIDO:
RAPIDO Camping-cars
414 rue des Perrouins - CS 20019 - 53101 MAYENNE Cedex
Tel.. : (33) 02 43 30 10 70 - Fax : (33) 02 43 30 10 71
You have the right to access, amend, correct and erase your personal data. To exercise those rights, contact RAPIDO:
RAPIDO Camping-cars
414 rue des Perrouins - CS 20019 - 53101 MAYENNE Cedex
Tel.. : (33) 02 43 30 10 70 - Fax : (33) 02 43 30 10 71